Gandhi Literature Centre (GLC)
Gandhi Literature Centre is the Museum’s SALES CENTRE for Literature (over 1400 titles), CDs, DVDs, Films, Picture Cards, Posters, Framed Photographs, Spinnign Wheel (Charkha), Busts of Gandhiji (Metal, Ceramic), Khadhi Bags, Watches and Presentation items such as Key Rings, Pens and Figurines-related to Mahatma Gandhi, India’s Freedom Movement and allied subjects like Nature Cure, Environment, Peace and Disarmament. These are available for direct sale at the counter in the Museum and for supply on order to any place in India and abroad.

Books published by Navajivan Publishing House, Sarva Seva Sangh, Gandhi Peace Foundation, and this Museum, and select titles by Publications Division, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, National Book Trust, Children’s Book Trust, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Sasta Sahitya Mandal, Ramakrishna Mission as well as other Indian and Foreign Publishers are included in the catalogue of GLC.
S.NO |
Annexure GROUP |
1 | A | Books by Mahatma Gandhi |
2 | B | Gandhian Literature in Multi-volume Sets |
3 | C | Books from National Gandhi Museum |
4 | D | Books from Gandhi Peace Foundation |
5 | E | Other Gandhian Literature |
6 | F | Gandhi Video and Audio Cassettes & C.D.-Roms |
7 | G | Gandhi Multi-colour Photos/Post Cards/Pens |
8 | H | Books on Vinoba Bhave & J.C.Kumarappa |
9 | I | Pandit Nehru, Sardar Patel and Subhas Bose |
10 | J | Books on Freedom Movement |
11 | K | History & Politics |
12 | L | Religion & Philisophy |
13 | M | Books on Health, Nature Cure & Yoga |
14 | N | Children’s Literature |