Rich Collection Of Original Relics
Rich Collection Of Original Books,Journals,Documents
Rich Collection Of Original Of Audio-Video,Art Pieces


The Museum is governed by the Aims and Objectives of the
Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya Samiti (GSSS) as under
(i) To collect, preserve and display Gandhiji’s records consisting of his letters, correspondence, books, cine-films, manuscripts, photographs, voice records, personal effects and mementos etc.
(ii) To promote the study, diffusion and understanding of Gandhiji’s life and message through the establishment of Sangrahalayas, Libraries Auditoriums, Study Centres, Archives, Gandhi Bhavans in Universities, Gandhi Galleries, Gandhi Shelves etc. in places of public interest and through other media of communication.
(iii) To take proper and necessary steps to preserve and protect various places associated with Gandhiji’s life and work.
(iv) To acquire by private negotiations or through the machinery of the Land Acquisition Act immovable properties wherever situated connected with Gandhiji’s life for carrying out the objects mentioned above.
(v) To undertake and execute schemes of memorials at the places associated with significant memories of Gandhiji with Columns and Tablets.
(vi) To publish literature, periodicals, books, brochures, booklets to propagate ideals thoughts and teachings of Gandhiji or in the aid of the memorials and to arrange film-show etc. in furtherance of the objects.
(vii) To prepare and distribute audio-visual material or replicas thereof as a means of propagating teachings of Gandhiji’s life.
(viii) To undertake, organize and facilitate Study Courses, Conferences, Lectures, Seminars and the like to promote the aforesaid objects.
(ix) To train men and women for carrying out any of the aforesaid activities.
(x) To do all such things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects, inter-alia:
  • To invest and deal with funds and moneys of the Samiti;
  • To issue appeals and applications for moneys and funds in the furtherance of the said objects and to raise funds or collect funds by gifts, donations, subscriptions or otherwise, of cash and securities, and of any property either movable or immovable and to grant such rights and privileges to the donors, subscribers and other benefactors, as the Samiti shall consider proper.
  • To acquire, purchase or otherwise own or take on lease or hire in the Union Territory of Delhi or elsewhere, temporarily or permanently, any movable or immovable property necessary or convenient for the furtherance of the objects of the Samiti.
  • To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute, sign, issue and otherwise deal with cheques, hundies, drafts, certificates, receipts, Government Securities, promissory notes, bills of exchange or other instruments, and securities whether negotiable or transferable or not.
(xi) To undertake and accept the management of any endowment or trust fund or donation to further the objects of the Samiti; etc.